Keep Filling Your Funnel With Leads!
Don't depend on one direction for your leads, make sure you have them coming from all areas so that you are never
without leads to build your business,
Recruiting Tips Shared By Other Successful Leadership Representatives!
What A Fun Way To Get Leads & Customers!
You have seen or even participated in the SPORTS events Tailgating...people bring
out their best food, best souvenirs, and best beverages for a GREAT TIME. Most of the time, if not always, everyone is willing
to share with everyone walking by.
To share our wonderful product and opportunity with others. To advertise your business!
WHAT YOU NEED (but not limited to):
* A minimum of 2 representatives, but not more than 4 at one time * A large or noticeable vehicle
* AVON BANNER (Leadership Kit has a perfect one!) * A POSTER with the words FREE AVON on it - use vinyl lettering
(6" or larger) or lettering from the computer. DO NOT HAND WRITE THE SIGN - make this professional! DO NOT USE RED LETTERING
- use DARK BLUE OR BLACK ON A LIGHT COLORED BACKGROUND PLEASE NOTE: AVON must be in ALL IN capital letters, as per the
advertising policies of AVON. AVON is a registered trademark and logo.
* Samples and testers * Recruiting Information
and Kits * Current Brochures * Sales Receipts * Pens * Clipboard(s) * Customer Survey - provided on the
following pages
Leave the children at a daycare or babysitter so you can focus on the activity and HAVE
-- Appropriate to the weather BUT PROFESSIONAL -- Some reps wear khakis and a polo
shirt. -- AVON name badge or pin -- This is not a place for jeans, t-shirt etc. This is work, not errand running or
house cleaning time! -- A BIG SMILE AND A GREAT ATTITUDE
WHEN: (not limited to, but recommended):
-- Friday afternoons 10-2 -- Saturday afternoon 10-2 -- Sunday afternoons 11-3
Find an empty parking lot or parking space where there is a heavy flow of traffic AND easily
accessible by motorists. Avoid construction areas.
-- Each representative should have a sign to hold up -- Park the vehicles in an angle that
you can hang the Banner facing the street -- Tie Balloons to the vehicle -- Stand by vehicle and wave at passerby's-LOOK
LIKE YOU ARE HAVING FUN, because this is fun!
-- To be fair to each other..rotate who gets the leads. -- When a motorist drives up, ALL
REPS should smile and wave, but ONLY ONE person go up to the car or wait on the person to walk up to the AVON vehicle. --
They stop by because they are curious, looking for a specific AVON product or need an AVON representative. -- If they
fill out the customer questionnaire, give them ONE sample, one brochure and let them know you will take GOOD CARE OF THEM
and call them soon!
SMILE, SMILE, SMILE and be polite and say thank you as you finish the conversation and/or as they
drive away.
THERE ARE NO HARD AND FAST RULES to TAILGATING, this only serves as a recommendation. Make the event
PERSONAL and YOURS, but always remember to be professional and have FUN FUN FUN!!!
EXAMPLE OF CUSTOMER SURVEY (ready to print, photo copy and cut in 1/2 for your
Are you currently being serviced by an AVON Representative? YES ____ NO___ I would like information about
(check all that applies to you): ______AVON Partner/Helper (collect orders from friends, family and co-workers,etc.) ______Purchasing
AVON products ______Receive future AVON brochures ______AVON Fundraising (school, church, family reunion, other charity)
______AVON Earning Opportunity (starting my own AVON business)
THANK YOU for stopping by today
NAME _________________________________________________
CITY/STATE/ZIP _______________________________________
PHONE _________________ EMAIL_______________________
Grab & Go
I found a great way to store and transport my samples. The fishing tackle department at your local Wal-Mart
has some beautiful holders for fishing lures. The ones I found have a pretty blue case with a see through lid on both sides,
and a carry handle. I have one set up with all of my skin care samples (in the original avon boxes, arranged in alpha order)
on one side and my foundation color samples on the other. I can read the box tops right through the lid! It is so easy to
grab and go! One of my downline found a clear ammunition carrier for her lipstick bullets in the hunting department!
Purchase extra brochures or ask your an area...toss them out. Sherry Horn successfully
does this on a regular basis and recommends this to everyone!
Recruit & Customer Search
Places to search for new customers and recruits:
*Be sure to have lots
of brochures old or new with you, a business card and maybe some samples to hand out and recruiting fliers and WEAR YOUR AVON
NAME BADGE: craft fairs, flea markets, shopping malls or their parking lots, grocery stores or their parking lots, parties
for direct sale products (Tupperware, Partylite, House of Lloyd,etc), playrounds, kids parties, online chats, schools (after
school when mom's are picking up their kids), pizza parlors, OR JUST anywhere! Just do it. * Ask for a phone # to "follow
up" and ask if they would like to be added to your mailing list to receive a brochure regularly; that way you'll get an address
too. * If you do this at one location for 1/2 to 1 hr 2 or 3 times a week, you will most definately increase your customer
base and/or downline. Mark your calendars..and make a commitment to do it!